Get started and stay connected. Welcome to the University of Edinburgh

A website for all new students, with information and resources you need to help you get ready to start University.

Welcome to The University of Edinburgh. On the New Students webpage you'll find information and resources that will help you get ready for your studies at our university.

A very useful starting point is the 'Essential Top 6 Tasks'. 

You must complete these essential Top 6 Tasks before you start and during your first week of studies, to enable you to begin your studies with us.

All of the tasks require some steps to be taken before you begin your studies and some to be taken after you have started. Each task is explained on the webpage, with further information about how to complete each one. 

  1. Register your University Login and log in to MyEd
  2. Get started on Office365
  3. Complete the matriculation process
  4. Pay your fees and prepare your finances
  5. Apply for your University student card
  6. Register with a local doctor