The programme consists of two 10 credit courses and two 20 credit courses. All 4 courses (60 credits) are required to complete the certificate. Alternatively, you can opt to take individual courses as Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD). Learn more about our PPD courses here
The tabs below provide more information about the individual courses, including learning outcomes and assessments.
Supported by experienced tutors from the University of Edinburgh and the editorial team supporting the two journals (BJS and BJS Open) of the BJS Foundation, The ‘How to Write a Manuscript’ course will enable the student to construct a research paper and understand the fundamentals of submitting a manuscript for publication.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course you will be able to:
(Characteristic 1: Knowledge and understanding) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the concepts underpinning academic writing, editing and submission for publication.
(Characteristic 2: Applied knowledge and understanding) Apply academic writing and editing skills to develop a research paper.
(Characteristic 3: Cognitive skills) Critically appraise the fundamentals of publishing a research article, understanding its uncertainty and complexities.
(Characteristic 4: Communication, Information Communication Technology (ICT), numeracy)) Write a research paper and effectively communicate findings.
(Characteristic 5: Autonomy) Write a research paper with substantial autonomy.
- Discussion Board Engagement (30%)
- Preparation of a full paper for submission (70%)
This course will allow you to take your academic writing skills to the next level.
Supported by experienced tutors from the University of Edinburgh and the editorial team supporting the two journals (BJS and BJS Open) of the BJS Foundation, The ‘Reviewing the Evidence Base’ course will enable the student to write a paper and optimise publication strategies. More specifically the following areas will be considered:
Generating a research question
Locating and appraising the literature
The principles of trial design and data analysis
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course you will be able to:
(Characteristic 1: Knowledge and understanding) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the concepts underpinning writing research papers and submitting for publication
(Characteristic 2: Applied knowledge and understanding) Apply critical appraisal skills to develop a research question, conduct and write up a literature review
(Characteristic 3: Cognitive skills) Critically appraise research articles, understanding their uncertainty and complexities
(Characteristic 4: Communication, Information Communication Technology (ICT), numeracy)) Review research papers and effectively communicate research findings to write a literature review with confidence
(Characteristic 5: Autonomy) Conduct a literature review and develop the skills to write a research paper for publication with substantial autonomy
- Discussion Board Engagement (50%)
- Literature Review (50%)
Understanding Publication and Peer Review addresses the skills required in editing and reviewing of manuscripts submitted for publication. The course will enable you to develop a deep understanding of critical appraisal and editing skills. You will work both in groups and individually, supported by experienced tutors from the University of Edinburgh and the editorial team of the BJS Foundation. Learning objectives are articulated through group work, self-directed online study, ongoing feedback, course-specific resource lists, recorded presentations and participation in online discussion boards.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of the concepts underpinning critical appraisal, peer review, editing, and publishing a surgical paper
- Apply critical appraisal, peer review and academic writing skills to review and edit a surgical paper
- Critically appraise surgical literature, and its uncertainty and complexity
- Critique and edit surgical papers submitted for publication
- Peer Review (50%)
- Editing Group Appraisal and Reflection (50%)
Evidence Based Practice addresses the planning and execution of an evidence-based manuscript. This course will involve greater self-direction than earlier courses within the PgCert Programme. Learning objectives are articulated through regular contact with tutors, ongoing feedback, self-directed online study, online resources, helpdesks, webinars, and a course specific resource list.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of the concepts underpinning research methodology, critical appraisal, peer review, editing, searching the evidence base, and writing a surgical paper
- Apply critical appraisal, peer review and academic writing skills to write an evidence based surgical paper
- Critically appraise research literature and published evidence, and its uncertainty and complexity
- Interpret, evaluate and present evidence to write a surgical paper for publication with substantial autonomy
- Evidence Based Manuscript (maximum 5000 words) in a standard publication format.