News and Events

News and Events

Enhancing the Student Experience Through Strategic Partnerships

In this article, Dr Susan Morrow (Senior Lecturer and Deputy Programme Director for the Postgraduate Certificate in Surgical Writing and Evidence Based Practice) shares reflections on how a strategic partnership between the University of Edinburgh and the BJS Foundation adds value to the student experience.

EUSA Awards

Students celebrating teaching excellence

Building a heart-felt community amongst our online students and tutors on the MSc in PSCHF

In order to build community amongst our online students and tutors on the MSc in PSCHF we have devised a series called “Fireside sessions”.

Tutors wanted 2024

Fancy something a bit different? Come and tutor on one of our programmes!

Spotlight on Professor Stephen Wigmore, the Programmes Director at Edinburgh Surgery Online

We are very proud to announce that our very own Programmes Director, Professor Stephen Wigmore was this week awarded an honorary fellowship of the American Surgical Association at their meeting in Washington DC.

Welcome back old friends!

We have a rich tradition within Edinburgh Surgery Online of recruiting graduates of our programmes once they have gained additional professional experience to contribute to the teaching and research supervision of current students.

Urology – Around the World with ChM Urology students

We hear from Dr Louise Buckley on her experience as Deputy Programme Director & Cohort Lead in ChM Urology

International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare

10th-12th April, ExCel London

Dr Heather Ellis awarded Senior Fellow Edinburgh Teaching Award (EdTA)

The EdTA is the University of Edinburgh’s route to the four fellowship categories of the Higher Education Academy, accredited by Advance HE; Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow and Principal Fellow

The Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) Conference

Join us in Bournemouth 8-10 March 2024