How to apply

Applications for 2022/2023 are now open!

Programme start date 14th September 2022

Applications for the academic year 2022/23 will close on 26th August 2022

Applications to the Internal Medicine programme are to be submitted through the University’s online application service through the Postgraduate Degree Finder. Detailed guidance on completing the application is available within the system at the beginning of your application, including directions for uploading documents. Please read the Postgraduate Degree Finder guidance carefully before you proceed.

Notes about applications for our Programme:

  • Offers cannot be made without a fully completed online application
  • Your online application will include references, a personal statement and other supporting documents
  • Please ensure you are aware of the English language requirements as they change from time to time and are non-negotiable and supply of proof if required
  • Name all documentation appropriately (e.g. CV, Academic Transcript, Reference 1)
  • Keep document file sizes small to improve processing time
  • Close all other internet programmes while you make your application
  • If documents fail to upload (e.g. ‘page not found’ message returned) please try again as it is likely to be the result of a failure in your internet connection
  • The application does not have to be completed in one session - you can save your progress and return to complete the application at another time
  • A £500 deposit is required to complete unconditional offers
  • Applications for academic year 2022/23 will close on 26th August 2022.

To apply for Internal Medicine please follow the link to Postgraduate Degree Finder

Pre-application enquiries

If you want to talk to someone from the Internal Medicine team, please feel free to email or phone us.


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Postgraduate Study at Edinburgh Information Hub

Twitter @Internalmeded

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