About the programme

Our programme has been designed to provide the educational background required for clinicians managing medical emergencies in children.


The educational aims of this programme are:

  • To provide students with a firm grasp of the science and pathophysiology underpinning current understanding of paediatric emergency practice.
  • To provide students with a deeper understanding of the principles and practice of the management of paediatric emergencies.
  • To develop graduates with an ability to critically appraise current practice so that they can challenge and develop the specialty of Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM).

Comprehensive and flexible programme

The MSc/Diploma/Certificate in PEM delivers a comprehensive and world-class educational opportunity both on a local and international basis.

This part-time online programme is designed to be flexible, aiming to provide a complementary set of knowledge and skills to those embarked on other training programmes such as Emergency Medicine and Paediatrics, but will also develop a skill set to enable individuals who have completed the training to be confident in performing to the highest level. The programme content is applicable to PEM globally, and includes elective options that can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual student.