
Assessments provide the opportunity to show how well you have grasped the subject matter. You will produce relevant outputs for assessment that reflect real life scenarios.

You will complete assessments using a variety of techniques including:

  • written essays
  • case studies
  • creating clinical practice guidelines
  • producing handover documents
  • designing  studies
  • structured clinical studies

All the assessment is submitted online, you will not be required to come to Edinburgh to sit an exam.

Infographics creation

You will also create infographics containing complex data targeted at clinicians. Please see an example of such an infographic on this page.

Critical Care infographic (142.65 KB / PDF)

Feedback - assessments

Outside examined work, we will feedback to you within 15 working days, or in time to be useful in future assessments.

We will ensure that feedback provided to you is useful and enables you to continuously develop your knowledge and skills.