Flexible study hours

Study online at times that suit you using our e-learning software and extensive digital resources.

The online delivery of the part-time programme enables you to work at your own pace and manage: 

  • work 

  • family and childcare commitments 

  • other personal commitments 

Studying online is a very flexible way to learn. There are recorded lectures and tutorials so you can study when and where suits you.

Study hours

The programme will require around 15 to 20 hours of study per week but how you manage this is up to you. Some students study for two hours most evenings while others dedicate one or two days a week to their studies.  

You will find that about 90% of your time on the programme will be dedicated to self-study, with the rest of the time spent on tutorials and group work.

You can expect to study for longer periods during term-time while there will be little formal work during the Christmas, Easter and UK Summer periods. 

International student cohort 

You will be studying with students from all parts of the world. Debates on the discussion forums take place throughout the term and their flexible nature allows you to contribute to the discussion in your free time, around your other commitments.