Programme structure

The MSc in Critical Care offers you the opportunity to study at an advanced level, in a way that works for you.

Qualification - what you will graduate with

We have designed the programme as a part-time, fully online MSc with the option of graduating after one, two or three years with a postgraduate certificate, postgraduate diploma, or MSc respectively.

This online degree delivers the same quality of learning as comparable campus based programmes.

What you will learn

You will experience detailed coverage of the essentials of the clinical management of critically unwell adults through the compulsory elements of the programme.  Simultaneously, you will develop expertise in accessing, interpreting, and integrating the findings of clinical research into clinical care.

Core subjects

Core clinical subjects will include:

  • recognition and resuscitation of the critically unwell adult
  • daily management of the critical care patient
  • advanced organ support
  • trauma
  • toxicology
  • burns
  • neurological critical care
  • sepsis

Programme structure and assessment timetable