Details for facility-related assistance requests For any queries regarding the CALM Facility and the services it offers, please The CALM imaging rooms are located in the Queen's Medical Research Institute on the BioQaurter campus, next to Chancellor's Building and the NRIE. Address: 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4TJ The CALM office is on level 2: C2.12 CALM Head of Facility - Rolly Wiegand (lecturer, imaging applications specialist, campus laser safety superviser) The Head of the CALM facility is responsible for the administration of this unit and the strategic planning for the facility, but also for liaising with other imaging facilities, service units and research departments across the University of Edinburgh. In this function, he is available for providing advice on experimental design for microscopy-based research, image analysis, imaging-related grant applications and the planning of further future development of the CALM facility in collaboration with the research departments. For all related enquiries please contact Rolly Wiegand at the following address: e-mail: tel - (CALM office) 0131 242 9155 This article was published on 2024-08-22