
This page provides an overview over the CALM equipment.

All equipment is bookable via the PPMS.


Leica TCS SP5 C - laser scanning confocal microscope

This system is built on a DMI6000CS inverted microscope base with a conventional SP5 II scanhead. It provides 8 different laser lines for excitation (405, 458, 476, 488, 514, 543, 596, 633 nm). Its unique design allows filter-free separation of different spectral channels as well as spectral unmixing (3 PMT detectors). This system provides all standard functions for multi-dimensional imaging and is the microscope of choice for high resolution images from fixed samples. More details


Leica TCS SP8 - laser scanning confocal microscope

This is a microscope system based on an inverted, motorised DMi8 research microscope with a SP8 scanhead.  It provides 5 laser lines for fluorophore excitation (405, 488, 514, 561, 633 nm) and allows multi-dimensional image acquisition. Two HyD detectors provide high recording sensitivity, ideal for samples with low photon counts. The microscope is eqipped with incubation chambers that encloses the stage. This allows the control of the temperature, air humidity and carbon dioxide concentration on the stage, a prerequisite for live cell imaging and the microscopic studies of physiological processes. More details


Andor Revolution XDi spinning disk confocal microscope for fast image acquisition and photo-manipulation

This imaging platform is based on an inverted Olympus IX83 with a Yokogawa CSU-X1 module. The system includes a fast emission filter wheel, an additional beam splitter and two highly sensitive EMCCD cameras. A MicroPoint laser module allows independent photo-manipulation of the sample. The entire system is enclosed and environmentally controlled. More details


Leica DMi8 (basic) widefield fluorescence microscope for standard fluorescence microscopy

This microscope is suited for image acquisition from thin samples such as sections or for a quick quality check of fluorescent samples. It is equipped with standard filtering (DAPI, FITC, TexR and Cy5) and a monochrome CCD camera (Leica DFC3000 G). More details


Nikon Nuance fluorescence microscope for spectral unmixing

This is a widefield fluorecence microscope equipped with a special filter system that allows spectral unmixing of fluorescent signals for multiplex or complex samples. More details are to follow soon.


Zeiss LSM780 confocal laser scanning microscope

This microscope is for high-resolution, multi-dimensional image acquisition. More details are to follow soon.


Zeiss Axio Observer microscope with Apotome module

This is a semi-automated widefield fluorescence system prepared for live cell work. This includes an enclosure that allows to control temperature, carbon dioxide and humidity in the cell culture environment. This system is undergoing an upgrade and will be bookable soon. More details


Zeiss P.A.L.M. microdissection microscope

This is a widefield fluorescence system equipped with a UV-laser for microdissection of tissues and cells. A dedicated integrated mechanism allows to contact-less transfer excised fragments from the processed sample into a standrad vial for further molecular analysis. More details are to follow soon.


HP Z640 Workstation for data handling and analysis

The acquired raw image is not the end point of most imaging-based experiments. Therefore, the CALM facility provides a high-end computing workstation for image data processing and analysis to quantitate imaging experiments. More details

  • SVI Huygens for image restoration
  • NIH Fiji/ImageJ for 2D image analysis
  • Bitplane Imaris for 3D visualisation and quantitation
  • PE Volocity for 3D visualisation and quantitation


LaVision Biotec TriM scope II intra-vital imaging platform

This system is a custom-built platform for multi-photon excitation-based deep penetration imaging. It is ideal for imaging live specimens deeper into tissues. It is built around an inverted Nikon TiU eclipse inverted stand and a LaVision intravital upright stage to accommodate a wide range of samples and specimens. High NA lenses with long working distances guarantee good optical penetration of the sample. The system is also equipped with a resonant scanner for faster imaging. It also provides modules for FLIM and photoactivation. The system is being re-designed and will be available again in early 2024. For more information please contact facility staff.