Leica DMi8 basic equipment details Standard widefield microscope for fluorescence-based imaging This system is based on an inverted Leica DMi8 microscope that is equipped with a Sola II LED light source and four standard filter cubes (see below). The camera for monochrome image acquisition is a Leica DFC3000 G with a full frame size of 1296 pixels x 966 pixels. The XY-stage is manually operated, whereas the Z-drive is motorised. The system is located is in room C2.38. Objectives The DMi8 is equipped with the following lenses: Lens magnif. corr NA N PLAN 10x A 0.25 N PLAN L 20x A 0.4 HCX PL FLUOTAR L Ph2 40x A 0.6 HCX PL APO 63x O 1.3 A = air, O = immersion oil Filter sets The following filter sets for epifluorescence illumination are available on the DMi8: Fluorophore exc em DAPI 405/10 460/40 FITC 470/40 525/50 TexR 560/40 LP610 Cy5 620/60 700/75 This article was published on 2024-08-22