
All students will be assigned a Student Advisors, Professional Mentor and Cohort Lead who will support you throughout your time at the University, giving you pastoral and academic support. You, as a Tutee, will work with your Cohort Lead to reflect on your academic performance, how this contributes to your aspirations and helps you to engage as a member of a community of learners. The Student Administrators will also assist you throughout your time at University.


Programme Administrator Email
Oral Health Sciences BSc

Jenny Thomson


Clinical Sciences Teaching Organisation Team
Student and Academic Services Manager Moira Henderson moira.henderson@ed.ac.uk
Student Support Officer Chrysa Stylou cstylou@exseed.ed.ac.uk
Director of Taught Programmes Simon Riley simon.riley@ed.ac.uk
Assistant Director of Taught Programmes Joanne Beveridge joanne.healy@ed.ac.uk
Director of Students Lindsay Rutherford lindsay.rutherford@ed.ac.uk