Early career progression

The Deanery of Clinical Sciences wishes to ensure that all early career academic staff should have equitable access to guidance, mentorship and general support.

Deanery of Clinical Sciences Funding Challenge

The Funding Challenge is an opportunity to obtain a small grant through a competitive process, this will help develop your skills in applying to funding bodies.  We normally hold the Challenge in the 2nd Semester.

Institute for Academic Development

The IAD was set up to provide University level support for teaching, learning and researcher development; through leadership, innovation, collaboration and direct provision that benefits students, staff and the University’s international reputation.

This remit includes a mixture of direct support for students and staff (e.g. workshops, online resources, networks and advice), much of it delivered in partnership with Schools and other Services, alongside support for curriculum innovation and enhancement.

Mentoring Connections

The IAD works with the University’s Learning and Organisational Development team to run the Mentoring Connections programme.  This programme provides all staff with time and space to meet with a mentor/mentee to talk through a variety of issues that affect them at various stages of their career and development.

Little France Postdoc Society

The Little France Post doctoral Society (LFPDS) is a post-doc led initiative that represents junior research staff within CMVM, based at the Little France site.

Its aim is to improve the quality of life and career structure for researchers in the early stages of their career (Postdocs, Fellows, final year PhD students & junior lecturers or their equivalents).

Sciences fellows

If you are a post-doctoral scientific member of staff then support is available to progress your career towards becoming an independent researcher.

All new post-docs in the Edinburgh Medical School will now receive a welcome letter introducing them to the great work already being done in Post-Doc Societies, as well as training opportunities and support available from the Institute for Academic Development and the College Research Support Office. They will also be subscribed to a monthly newsletter covering events and topics relevant to Early Career Researchers, including dates for new drop-in clinics to help to get Medical School ECRs on track with personal and career development.

You can subscribe to the @EdMedECR newsletter

You can also learn about opportunities for funding, training, academic and alternative careers by following @EdMedECR on Twitter.


Clinical fellows