Research Centres

Our Interdisciplinary research centres aim to conduct world class research and offer postgraduate taught and research programmes.

Institute for Regeneration and Repair

Institute for Neuroscience and Cardiovascular Research


Centre for Reproductive Health

A new MRC Centre for Reproductive Health has been awarded to the University of Edinburgh to further research into conditions that affect reproductive ability and the health of men and women. The new £1 million centre grant is in addition to £12 million of research programme grants recently awarded by the MRC to leading reproductive health scientists in Edinburgh.

The new Centre will bring together scientists who have outstanding strengths in reproductive biology, stem cells, inflammation, development, hormonal disease and imaging. There will be a strong focus on finding ways to translate discoveries for patient benefit.

Director: Professor Andrew Horne

Centre for Inflammation Research

The Centre for Inflammation Research was established to bring together internationally outstanding researchers in inflammation harnessing the skills of both basic and clinical scientists.

The Centre aims to promote the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of inflammatory diseases through interdisciplinary study of the initiation, regulation, and resolution of inflammatory responses and provision of an outstanding environment for research training in the field.

Within a grouping of over 120 researchers, there is a strong clinical influence based around respiratory medicine, renal medicine and histopathology.

Director: Professor David Dockrell


Centre for Regenerative Medicine

The MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine brings together world leading basic stem cell research with established clinical excellence to deliver a "bench-to-bedside" approach aimed at developing new treatments for major diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease and liver failure.

The Centre's mission is to gain fundamental understanding of stem cells, to use this knowledge to improve human health and to provide leadership in training the next generation of basic and clinical scientists in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.

Director: Professor S Forbes

Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences

The Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences’ mission is to promote excellence in research and training of an internationally competitive standing in neurological disorders.

We seek to achieve this by providing training opportunities, networking, facilities and research programmes.

Director: Professor Colin Smith

Centre for Cardiovascular Science

The mission of the Centre for Cardiovascular Science is to promote excellence in research and training in sciences relevant to cardiovascular disease.

It was one of the first Centres to be established in the Faculty of Medicine.

The Centre has seven main research groups and a close association with other Centres in the Queen's Medical Research Institute (QMRI).

The research centre receives major support from the Wellcome Trust, the British Heart Foundation, and the Medical Research Council.

Director: Professor A Baker


Research at the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

Helping research at Edinburgh Imaging

Postgraduate programmes