Preclinical PET Facility

The preclinical PET facility was established in 2014 and offers state-of-the-art facilities for molecular imaging research using different radiotracers, as well as, high resolution anatomical computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) images.

 Mediso nanoScan 7T PET/MRI scanner
Mediso nanoScan 7T PET/MRI scanner
Mediso nanoScan PET/CT and extended field of view PET/CT scanners.
Mediso nanoScan PET/CT and extended field of view PET/CT scanners.


Preclinical PET imaging labs 

The preclinical PET facility at the University of Edinburgh has resources to allow for in vivo imaging studies in rodents targeting different systems and various research questions. In addition, can perform ex vivo/in vitro imaging of tissue samples. The facility supports biomedical research projects in various specialities including cardiovascular research, neuroscience, reproductive medicine and stem cell research, along with collaborations with pharmaceutical companies to support the translation of innovative preclinical research into clinical use. There have been more than 125 different projects using more than 25 different PET tracers across all colleges of the University of Edinburgh since the facility was established in 2014. 

Currently the preclinical PET facility consists of the following infrastructure:

  • Mediso nanoScan PET/CT scanner
  • Mediso nanScan extended field of view PET/CT scanner
  • Mediso nanoScan 7T PET/MRI 
  • Automatic blood sampling system 
  • Gamma counter and beta counter
  • Autoradiography laboratory
  • Radiometabolite laboratory

The preclinical PET imaging facilities are further completed by laboratories dedicated to cell, tissue and organ radiolabelling. 

picture of Phosphor imager used for autoradiography experiments.
Phosphor imager used for autoradiography experiments
picture of Gamma counter (right hand side) and radio-HPLC (left hand side) used for radiometabolite studies.
Gamma counter (right hand side) and radio-HPLC (left hand side) used for radiometabolite studies.

Radiochemistry R&D labs

The Preclinical Imaging team at the University of Edinburgh utilises automated fixed-tubing radiopharmaceutical synthesisers for producing radiotracers with fluorine-18 and carbon-11. Currently, the radiochemical research and development lab is equipped with three hot cells: two with TRACERlab FxFn synthesisers and one with a Synthra RNplus. Radiotracers are continuously produced here for use in the PET imaging of various conditions and structures. In addition to this, the lab is used to develop the synthesis of new radiotracers and improve upon current syntheses using a wide range of radiolabelling strategies. The lab is also equipped with a HPLC system with a radio detector for use in the carrying out and development of robust QC methods. The department also has the capability to carry out manual radiolabelling using a lead lined fume hood. Analysis can be carried out using a gamma counter and a radio-HPLC equipped with a diode array detector





Dr Adriana Tavares

Head Preclinical PET/CT Facility

Contact details



Examples of Studies using our PET/CT Equipment