
The preclinical ultrasound imaging facility boasts a state-of-the-art high frequency ultrasound scanner (Vevo 3100, Visualsonics) offering spatial resolution down to 30 microns. The system is non-invasive, which allows longitudinal measurements and reduces the number of specimens required.

VisualSonics’ Vevo 3100 offers spatial resolution down to 30 microns; in fact the highest resolution available in real-time today. And the system is non-invasive, which allows longitudinal study and reduces the number of specimens required. VisualSonics technology provides scientific professionals with a simple method for efficiently viewing extremely small physiological structures and for imaging living tissue and blood flow with near-microscopic resolution.


The Vevo is able to deliver the researcher:

  • Non invasive, in vivo visualization of embryo’s through to adulthood — in real-time.
  • Ability to perform longitudinal studies of disease progression and regression in individual subjects.
  • Image resolution of anatomical and physiological structures of down to 30 microns.
  • Ability to visualize image-guided needle injection and extraction.
  • Microcirculatory and cardiovascular blood flow assessment.
  • High throughput via user-friendly equipment and research-driven interface.
  • Open architecture allowing comprehensive measurement and annotations and offline data analysis.


Vevo Strain

Vevo strain Software (8.72 MB / PPTX)

Examples of Studies Using our Ultrasound Equipment


Professor Carmel Moran

Personal Chair of Preclinical Ultrasound, Deanery of Clinical Sciences, Director of Edinburgh Preclinical Imaging

Contact details


Mr Adrian Thomson

Manager of Ultrasound and Optical Imaging

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