Courses - supervised learning

Courses offered via the Postgraduate Professional Development (PgProfDev) route include all the courses delivered on our MSc programmes.

Online supervised learning

You will study along side our MSc/Dip/Cert students & therefore benefit from dynamic activities & discussion boards.

Our students come from a wide variety of experiences & backgrounds, which enhance the online distance learning experience.

Your study will be synchronized with our academic year, so courses start in September or January as outlined below.

Semester 1 / Sep / Autumn
10 credits
10 credits
20 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
20 credits
Semester 2 / Jan / Winter  
10 credits
20 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
20 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits

How do I choose an appropriate set of courses to meet my needs?

You know best what interests you & what goals your are trying to achieve, so you are best placed to make your course selections. 

However, if you contact us, we can advise & guide you to a suitable programme of study. We recommend a few options below based on previous students' experiences.

Consider the following links if your main interest is:

Next: Entrance requirements