Edinburgh Imaging Alliance

Edinburgh Imaging Alliance is a geographic cluster of companies from both industry & academia, who share their technological skills & research expertise to stimulate new ideas.

  • To develop world class imaging products & services through collaboration
  • To promote excellent career opportunities available within this alliance


Why the Edinburgh Imaging Alliance?
  • Edinburgh is home to world-leading medical imaging researchers who work in partnership with the NHS & the private sector 
  • Close cooperation between researchers, the NHS & the private sector helps accelerate medical discoveries & transform them into patient treatments
  • Many imaging employers in Edinburgh have similar operational, technical & labour needs to those of Edinburgh Imaging
    • Sharing stimulates new ideas & collaborations while avoiding costly duplication of effort
  • With the above in mind, Edinburgh Imaging agreed in 2017, with imaging firms grouped geographically in & around Edinburgh, to establish the Edinburgh Imaging Alliance


What is the Alliance's vision?
  • Create a cluster strategy for communication & interaction
  • Build strong alliances between stakeholders
  • Promote Edinburgh's world leading imaging facilities & its network of staff
  • Encourge the common workforce to meet regularly at networking events
    • Present career opportunities to post-graduate & junior researchers
    • Share technological skills & research expertise


Who is involved?


What are the key imaging skill sets in Edinburgh?
  • Medical imaging
  • Preclinical imaging
  • Image analysis
  • Software engineering
  • Machine learning
  • Physics & medical physics
  • Biochemistry
  • Healthcare informatics
  • Education


How do I get involved?

If you wish your company to become a member of Edinburgh Imaging Alliance or you are from industry & are interested in working with the Alliance, please contact us:

Edinburgh Imaging

Enquiries: studies / collaborations / facilities

Contact details


Watch our video from the Edinburgh Imaging Alliance festive networking event 2018! 

Learn more about the University's collaborations with industry