Edinburgh Imaging seeks an experienced MRI research radiographer to step into the role of MRI Superintendent Radiographer for 1 year. DEADLINE: 14th October 2020 DIRECT APPLICATIONS TO: Job reference 053289 JOB TITLE: MRI Superintendent Radiographer SALARY: University of Edinburgh Grade 8 (£41,526 to £49,553) DEPARTMENT: Edinburgh Imaging LINE MANAGER: Professor Joanna Wardlaw ENQUIRIES: Charlotte Jardine Superintendent Radiographer Contact details Website: UoE profile Email: charlotte.jardine@ed.ac.uk JOB DESCRIPTION The post holder in this University of Edinburgh role will act as Superintendent Radiographer at the Edinburgh Imaging RIE MRI research scanning facility, embedded within the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh (RIE) on the BioQuarter campus. This role is responsible for maintaining clinical & professional standards whilst providing comprehensive & effective day-to-day management of the radiographic service for the Edinburgh Imaging RIE MRI scanning facility. The main responsibility will be organisation the University of Edinburgh research radiographer team, with time in the control room scanning as a major part of this job. The role is central to the design, set up, ongoing support & close-out of academic imaging research projects funded plus delivery of NHS clinical services the UoE research facility. This means devising & implementing an ongoing programme of research service development & staff training. DEADLINE: 14th October 2020 DIRECT APPLICATIONS TO: Job reference 053289 Relevant links Apply for this job, here Professor Joanna Wardlaw Edinburgh Imaging University of Edinburgh NHS Lothian Edinburgh BioQuarter Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE What is a MR scan? Social media tags & titles Job vacancy: Edinburgh Imaging seeks an experienced MRI research radiographer to step into the role of MRI Superintendent Radiographer for 1 year. @EdinburghBQ @EdinUni_Jobs @SINAPSECENTRE #vacancy #radiographer Publication date 23 Sep, 2020