03 Oct 22. Practical image analysis workshop

In-person Practical Image Analysis (PIA) Workshop on the 18th of October 2022.

Date: 18 Oct 2022

MicroLab 1, Chancellor’s Building, Little France, Edinburgh

Registration: Click here for more information



Whether you are currently taken the Practical Image Analysis 1 (PIA 1) course or you are a postgraduate student or researcher, this is a unique opportunity to learn about the new Medical Image Analysis Matlab toolbox, and to AI development tools with minimal coding requirements, using examples of image classification and segmentation tasks.

Contents relevant to medical image analysis tasks comprise also:

  • Low code AI
  • Data analysis
  • Classification
  • k-means
  • PCA
  • Data labelling
  • Deep learning, and
  • Segmentation accuracy

Lectures and practical hands-on exercises will be given by:


Morning session

In the morning session, Roberto, George and Maria will be available for drop-in sessions for all students on the Practical image analysis 1 course and for all new postgrads.

  • The aim is to help students solve their image processing or course problems / queries using Matlab.


Afternoon session

In the afternoon, George and Roberto will introduce the new Medical Image Analysis toolbox and discuss how to generate AI deep learning models with minimal coding requirements.

  • Roberto and Maria will be there to help during the practical exercises.



Social media tags and titles

In-person Practical Image Analysis (PIA) Workshop on the 18th of October 2022.