The inaugural Edinburgh Imaging Alliance networking event took place last night at the Informatics Forum, and was a huge success! Image We were delighted with the positive feedback from many of the 180 attendees and the 12 companies who attended our Edinburgh Imaging Alliance event. Attendees heard interesting presentations from each company, talking about the exciting products and services developed in Edinburgh, as well as what knowledge and skills they are looking for when recruiting PhD students and researchers. We had representatives attend from: Image Aridhia Informatics Blackford Analysis Canon Medical Research Europe Craft Prospect Edinburgh CRF Edinburgh Imaging Facilities EPCC Holoxica Optos OracleBio SeeByte Document Edinburgh Imaging Alliance - company contacts (678.42 KB / PDF) What is the Edinburgh Imaging Alliance? Edinburgh Imaging Alliance is a geographic cluster of companies from both industry and academia, who share their technological skills and research expertise. We also arrange networking events and promote the excellent career opportunities available within this cluster. We asked Dr Duncan Martin, what is the purpose of establishing the Edinburgh Imaging Alliance? The Edinburgh Imaging Alliance has been established to help all people, research groups and organisations working within imaging in the Edinburgh area. Imaging is a particularly multidisciplinary arena for research and it requires access to a really wide range of skilled staff with the right expertise. The University of Edinburgh, Canon, Blackfords, and 8 other companies based in an around Edinburgh, are working together to develop the Alliance, which will create awareness of the depth of career opportunities within this imaging cluster based in Edinburgh. Through working together and encouraging collaboration we hope we can really raise the profile of Edinburgh as a destination to come and work within the field of imaging, image analysis, machine learning and software engineering. Dr Duncan MartinEdinburgh Imaging Business Manager Image Members of the Edinburgh Imaging Alliance are very grateful to the MRC Proximity to Discovery (P2D) fund and to Edinburgh Imaging administrative staff for organising the event. Relevant links Edinburgh Imaging Alliance Dr Duncan Martin Useful links 10 Dec 18. Edinburgh Imaging Alliance event 31 Oct 18. Festive networking event Publication date 12 Dec, 2018