17 Jun 21. CVS Symposium 2021

This year's Centre for Cardiovascular Science symposium will be taking place virtually & includes talks from Edinburgh Imaging members, Dr Michelle Williams & Dr Adriana Tavares.

Date & time:

24 Jun 21, 12:30

Venue: Virtual
Registration: Click here for further information


Please find the symposium programme below, which includes talks from Edinburgh Imaging members Dr Michelle Williams & Dr Adriana Tavares:


12:30 14:15 Session 1
    Welcome & a Year in CVS - Professor Andrew Baker

Celebrating our New Fellows:

    Translational Highlights in CVS
14:15 14:30 Break
14:30 16:00 Session 2
    3 Minute Research Competition - with live vote to determine the winner
    Innovative Technology Solutions in CVS
16:00 16:15 Break
16:15 17:00 Session 3

Keynote Address - Professor Bart Deplanke, EPFL, Lausanne

“Resolving cellular & functional stromal cell heterogeneity & adult adipose tissues"

    Closing Comments & Prizes - Professor Ruth Andrew
17:00   Social Event



Social media tags & titles

This year's Centre for Cardiovascular Science symposium will be taking place virtually & includes talks from Edinburgh Imaging members, Dr Michelle Williams & Dr Adriana Tavares.

@EdinUniCVS @imagingmedsci #CVS2021