14 Sept 17. IAD training course

Beginners Guide to Imaging for Scientists.

Imaging for Scientists

About the course

This is a 10-week course, starting on Monday 16th October 2017 until Friday 22nd December 2017, delivered entirely online within Learn.

It will give students a basic understanding of the history of imaging and imaging modalities (MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Light Microscopy, PET and SPECT) .

A brief guide on how images are processed and the analysis of the data will also be given, to assist with the most common types of image analysis that might be needed for a Research Masters or a PhD research project.

This self-paced, online course, is an excellent introduction to all imaging modalities for those embarking on their first research project and is open to all University of Edinburgh postgraduate students.

Time commitment

You should allocate about 4-8 hours per week to study this course.

How to book

If you are eligible, you can book online at the Events Booking System:

Beginners Guide to Imaging for Scientists - book now online

Further information

Please contact the IAD office for further information.