21 Apr 22. STV Scotland Tonight dementia special

Professor Joanna Wardlaw will feature on STV Scotland Tonight at 8.30pm for a dementia special, discussing dementia research in Edinburgh.

Recently STV visited the Edinburgh Imaging Facilities to find out about the dementia research taking place in Edinburgh.

During their visit they interviewed Professor Joanna Wardlaw, Professor of Applied Neuroimaging, to discuss a new study involving magnetic resonance (MR) and retinal imaging, funded by the Alan Turing Institute and British Heart Foundation.

The dementia special airing on STV Scotland Tonight at 8.30pm, is presented by Kaye Nicolson.

You can watch a sneak peak of tonight’s episode featuring Professor Joanna Wardlaw via the following STV News article, which also highlights dementia patients and their families dementia stories.

Patients and their families tell their dementia stories as researchers speak of hope for the future.”


You can watch a preview of the dementia special tonight on STV News at 6pm, or the full Scotland Tonight episode on STV at 8.30pm, and on the STV Player.



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Professor Joanna Wardlaw will feature on STV Scotland Tonight at 8.30pm for a dementia special, discussing dementia research in Edinburgh.

@EdinburghUni @EdinUniMedicine @EdinUniBrainSci @BHFScotland @TheBHF @UKDRI @SVDresearch