All our courses

We list here, the full range of courses offered by the Edinburgh Imaging Academy.

Suitable for Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Continuing Medical Education (CME) & FRCP preparation. Online, unsupervised, self-directed learning only - not credit bearing. We package together here materials from our "Anatomy (body)" & "Anatomy (neuro)" courses.

Online education, teaching non-neural anatomy, focusing on the human cardiothoracic system, musculoskeletal system, abdomen & pelvis, enabling identification of key structures with multiple imaging modalities, plus relating anatomical knowledge to the impact of disease on adjacent structures & function.

Online education, teaching the appearances with different imaging modalities of the brain's major lobes & fissures, ventricles & CSF, blood vessel supply, vascular territories, major internal connecting pathways, cranial nerve nuclei & detailed gyral identification.

Online education, teaching common disorders and how imaging techniques might be used in research, as well as clinically, to improve our understanding of those disorders as well as their treatments. Neuroimaging students explore neuro-diseases; Imaging students also cover other body systems.

Online education, providing an overview of imaging history, modalities (MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Light Microscopy, PET & SPECT), plus image analysis, processing & manipulation. For University of Edinburgh enrolled graduate students only who are using imaging techniques in their research & more information.

Online education, teaching fluid / flow biomechanics including lectures on biofluid dynamics, mechanics of solids, normal circulation plus ageing & diseased arteries. Blood & blood flow, mechanotransduction, plus simulation & modelling examples allow more in-depth exploration of fluid / flow biomechanics.

Online education, teaching practical chest / thoracic imaging, including techniques best for evaluating chest anatomy, and best for investigating major chest diseases: lungs & heart are the main focus. Research / experimental imaging of cardiac function and the vasculature are also covered, reflecting activity at the Edinburgh Imaging Facilities.

Online education, teaching clinical use of imaging techniques & modalities, describing how best to select a technique to investigate a specific clinical problem, what the advantages & disadvantages of various approaches are, covering also basic strategies & pitfalls in selected clinical contexts.

Online education, teaching common image evaluation techniques, ranging from qualitative & quantitative whole brain / sub-regional brain volume assessment, simple & complex lesion size evaluation, plus region of interest measurements to assess tissue parameters acquired by MR imaging.

Online education, teaching more complex aspects of image analysis including DWI & basic quantification, tractography, registration techniques, voxel based analysis, image segmentation (including image fusion techniques), as well as retinal image analysis.

Online education, teaching functional imaging relating to the brain, covering functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), electro- & magneto-encephalography (EEG & MEG). We cover experimental design, pre-processing, data analysis, statistical inferences, ASL, VBM / VBA & some neurophysiology.

Online education focusing on theoretical teaching in PET-MR - a hybrid radionuclide imaging technique.

Online education, teaching image analysis / processing & targeted more for those who anticipate a computing / IT career trajectory. We focus in great detail on computing basics, sampling and quantisation; visual effects which influence perception; mathematical transformations, modelling and validation.

Online education, teaching systematic review of images in the clinical context, to assess for both normal and abnormal findings, using radiography, CT, US, MRI, SPECT & PET. We also include guidance on how such findings bear relevance to imaging in the clinical context.

Online education for MR trained radiographers, designed to enable you to establish a programme & protocols for radiographer review of orbital radiographs for metallic intra-orbital foreign bodies (IOFBs); also to develop competency in metallic IOFB identification on orbital radiographs. Endorsed by the Irish Institute of Radiography & Radiation Therapy. As of March 2025, we have had 207 successful delegates complete the course since inception.

Online, distance education, teaching basics plus some advanced techniques of optics, light & fluoresence microscopy, confocal microscopy, CCD camera technology, sample optimization & handling, image formation & data handling. We re-enforce taught materials with practical activities.

Online, distance education, unsupervised, self-directed course package only. For those who want to combine study in "Image analysis" & "Practical image analysis 1" courses.

Online, distance education, unsupervised, self-directed course package only. For those who want to combine study in "Image analysis", "Practical image analysis 1", "Common image processing techniques 1" & "Common image processing techniques 2" courses.

Online, distance education with the aim to expose undergraduate students to neuroimaging techniques & their applications in disease research & management, in order to stimulate interest in & understanding of neuroimaging as a research & diagnostic tool.

Online, distance education focusing on neuroimaging techniques basics, modality overviews, practicalities & safety, as well as applications in neurological diseases, primarily with a research focus.

Online, distance education focusing on neuroimaging techniques basics, modality overviews, practicalities & safety, as well as applications in neurological diseases, primarily with a research focus.

Online, distance education, introducing MATLAB & related software; 2D & 3D image operations; medical image file formats; enhancement; alignment; & registration. You process & analyse medical images with increasing levels of difficulty as the course progresses.

Online, distance education,focusing on advanced use & applications of MATLAB & toolboxes specific to image analysis & processing.

The final / MSc level course in our programmes, requires less structured & more independent study over two semesters, including a project, whereby students explore an aspect of neuroimaging, imaging, veterinary imaging, image analysis / processing, etc., culminating in a final, graded submission.

Online, distance education, teaching about the potential hazards of imaging techniques to operators or individuals being scanned, plus rules & regulations. We also address ethical considerations, good clinical practice principles, data protection & consent.

Online, distance education, teaching practical preclinical imaging, covering legislation & ethics, practical considerations, plus modalities such as CT, MR, PET and ultrasound. We also explore the zebrafish & experimental imaging.

This course runs every 2 years & teaches comprehensively on the theoretical & practical coverage of all functional MR imaging (fMRI) related aspects of statistical parametric mapping (SPM).

Online, distance education, teaching statistics basics for imaging research datasets, including assessment of diagnostic test accuracy, inter-observer reliability, & repeated measures. We also cover design, conduct & analysis of systematic reviews of imaging studies.

Online, distance education, teaching observational study design, imaging as a surrogate outcome in treatment trials, including response to treatment, & distinguishing between associations & causality. We also cover research question & hypothesis refinement, blinding, randomisation, sample size estimates & feasibility.

Online, distance education, teaching theory & principles underlying basic and advanced imaging techniques, including plain radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, nuclear medicine & light microscopy. We also review contrast agents, explore what an image is, plus basic processing & manipulation.

Online, distance education, teaching about translating imaging from lab to human trials & clinical practice. We cover imaging used as a biomarker or surrogate outcome measure, & we address issues problems arising from differences in anatomy, MR scanner field strengths, & disease models.