Online, UNsupervised learning

You can take almost all of our courses more cheaply without enrolling on a degree programme or working towards University credit, via our online, UNsupervised, self-directed learning (USSD) mode of study, which is eligible for Continuing Professional Development & Medical Education (CPD / CME) recognition.

Online, unsupervised learning

Online, UNsupervised learning allows you "bare bones" access to our online teaching materials.

You will have access to:

  • online lectures
  • lecture pdf downloads to facilitate note taking
  • self-assessments
  • resource / reading lists (downloadable as pdf)

Access to our online, UNsupervised learning materials will expire after 1 year.

You will NOT have access to:

  • our tutors / online academic support
  • the University of Edinburgh library (i.e. you will have to source your own portal to access our resource / reading list recommendations)
  • our interactive activities
  • virtual classrooms / discussion boards

This means you:

  • can start to study whenever you want
  • study at your own pace over your 1 year period of access, not tied in to our teaching schedule
  • do not need to demonstrate competence in English language
  • will not receive University of Edinburgh credits
  • will not show on your transcript
  • will be able to count hours of study towards Continuing Professional Development / Medical Education (CPD / CME)

Click here to see our online, unsupervised, self-directed course list. 

  • select the course you wish to study
  • from the course information, click on the link 'unsupervised / self-directed learning course'
  • pay for your course
  • we will contact you within 72 hours with information about how to login & access your course(s) straight away.


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