26 Jan 22. PhD - AI in CVD

"AI-powered system to support neuroradiological readings for cerebrovascular diseases".

DIRECT APPLICATIONS TO: M.Valdes-Hernan@ed.ac.uk
PROJECT TITLE: "AI-powered system to support neuroradiological readings for cerebrovasular diseases"
CENTRE: Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
SUPERVISOR: Dr Maria del C Valdés HernándezDr Beatrice Alex, Dr William Whiteley, Dr Miguel O. Bernabeu, Professor Joanna Wardlaw



Diagnostic and interventional radiology is fundamental to modern healthcare, from getting a fast, accurate diagnosis to planning surgery to cancer care and trauma management. Life-threatening events like strokes require neuroradiological assessment. The UK-wide shortage of radiologists is largely known, and service leaders have stressed that staff shortages are putting patients at risk, with three-quarters saying they cannot guarantee a safe service, as new consultant numbers and overseas and locum appointments are just not enough to plug staffing gaps, situation worsened by the current COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, our radiologists are exhausted and the NHS bill for outsourcing scan reporting continues to climb into the hundreds of millions.

This project attempts to address this need by developing an artificial-intelligence powered system to support neuroradiological readings, built upon results from years of neuroimaging and natural-language-processing research.


Please find further information on the PhD studentship, here.



Social media tags and titles

Fully-funded PhD studentship, “AI-powered neuroradiological support system for cerebrovascular diseases from magnetic resonance imaging”, at the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences in collaboration with Canon Medical Research Europe Ltd.

@CanonMedicalEDI @EdinUniBrainSci