In January 2019, a new preclinical ultrasound scanner, Vevo 3100 manufactured by FUJIFILM Visualsonics, arrived in the preclinical ultrasound facility, based at the Edinburgh Bioquarter campus. Image Figure 1: High resolution image of left ventricle on adult mouse heart The scanner was funded by a Wellcome Trust equipment grant (Moran, Chapman, Holmes, Gray, Curtis, Eddleston, Evans, Norman, Baker, Newby - £350K) and replaces our previous preclinical ultrasound scanner (Vevo 770, purchased in 2008). The Vevo3100 has new features providing the ability to acquire anatomical, haemodynamic and functional data from embryonic zebra-fish to rats. Specifically, new features include: Measurement of cardiac function in 2D, 3D and 4D (Figure 1) Colour and power Doppler imaging enabling the visualisation of blood flow within vessels (Figure 2) Non-linear contrast imaging mode to quantify relative perfusion between regions of interest Quantitative measurement of cardiac strain (radial, longitudinal and circumferential) (Figure 3) Precise, repeatable and reliable ultrasound guided injections. Image Figure 2: Spectral Doppler (bottom) and colour Doppler showing measurement of blood flow in adult mouse pulmonary artery. Please contact either Adrian Thomson or Carmel M Moran if you would like to discuss the potential of ultrasound imaging within projects. Cost for access to the scanner is £60/hour until end of June 2019. Image Figure 3: Analysis screen showing radial and longitudinal strain at five points on murine left ventricular endocardial wall Related links Edinburgh Imaging Facility - Preclinical Edinburgh Imaging equipment Wellcome Trust What is an Ultrasound scan? Professor Carmel Moran Professor Karen Chapman Professor Megan Holmes Dr Gillian Gray Professor Andrew Curits Professor Michael Eddleston Professor Mark Evans Professor Jane Norman Professor Andrew Baker Professor David Newby Publication date 19 Feb, 2019