17 Dec 24. Carmel Moran receives Spiers' Prize

Professor Carmel Moran was awarded the Spiers' Prize for Outreach at STEF 2024.

Carmel Moran Spiers Award 2024
Carmel Moran (left) receives the Spiers' Prize for Outreach at the STEF'24 conference

STEF is the annual Science, Technology, and Engineering Forum held by the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM). STEF'24 was held in October this year.

The Spiers' Prize for Outreach is awarded to people who have improved education or raised awareness of medical physics and engineering through outreach activities. IPEM's Prizes and Awards Committee were unanimous in their decision to give Carmel and her team the award for her engagement activity 'Imaging Inside Out'.

Carmel designed this activity for secondary school pupils and co-created it with teachers. Imaging Inside Out aims to reveal how imaging and physics techniques are applied in clinical and preclinical (animal) settings to learn more about health and disease. The activity was judged by the committee as highly likely to leave a positive and lasting impact on students who take part.

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Professor Carmel Moran was awarded the Spiers' Prize for Outreach at STEF 2024.

@EdinUniImaging @EdinUniCVS