28 Aug 19. LARIF Workshop

Workshop on 'large animal models and imaging in biomedical research' at The Roslin Institute on 1st October.

The Large Animal Research and Imaging Facility (LARIF)

LARIF will open in early 2020 on the Easter Bush campus. The new facility offers exciting opportunities for research using medical imaging technologies (including CT, 3T MRI) in large animals, including pigs, sheep, cattle and horses, with potential applications in biomedical and clinical sciences.

To capitalise on the new facilities available through LARIF, this one-day workshop on 1st October, aims to bring together scientists and clinicians from different academic disciplines and departments, who are interested in using large animal models for biomedical research, with a particular focus on application of medical imaging technologies.


Confirmed speakers include:
  • Tom Wishart (Roslin Institute) - "Why use large animals to model neurodegenerative conditions?"
  • Alistair Lawrence (SRUC) – “Pigs as a model for studying neuroimmune interactions”
  • Eddie Clutton (R(D)SVS) - "Large Animal Critical Care in Translational Research"
  • Megan Holmes (Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences) - “Imaging a life of stress: Rodent studies from development to old age”
  • Michelle Williams (Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences) - Cardiovascular imaging - challenges and possibilities
  • Adam Marshall (NHS Lothian) - "Large animal models in translational respiratory research"


Keynote Speaker:

Rodney Johnson, University of Illinois - “Neuroimaging in domestic pigs:  An approach to assess developmental origins of decreased resilience”

  • Biography: Dr Rodney Johnson is a professor of integrative immunology and behavior and head of the University of Illinois Department of Animal Sciences. His research in animal models investigates how infection, nutrition, and birth weight affect brain and cognitive development; and how aging results in neuroinflammation and deterioration in brain health. A special focus is on how infection and diet influence the communication between the immune system and brain.

There will be opportunities for PhD students and postdoctoral scientists to present posters of relevant research during refreshment breaks.



Registration via EPay linkhttps://edin.ac/30FY04d

Deadline: 28th September 2019

Venue: Auditorium, Roslin Institute, Easter Bush Campus

Date: 1st October 2019

Timing: 09.30 – 16.30


Full programme to follow.

Enquiries to Fiona Houston at R(D)SVS.

LARIF Brochure (2.06 MB / PDF)