The Young Investigators Award (YIA)

Associations between level and change in physical function and brain volumes.

The Young Investigators Award (YIA)

This year The Young Investigators Award (YIA) was won by our very own Professor Benjamin Aribisala.

This award of excellence, is sponsored by the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapuetics (SBMT) and the National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI) to recognize young and promising scientists performing work in brain sciences.

The award was given at the Black Gala Night in Baltimore Hotel in Los Angeles on 7th March 2015, Ambassador Geoffrey Teneilabe, the ambassador of Nigeria to the USA was in attendance, and he stated that SBMT is doing a great job in bringing top researchers together from all over the world. He also congratulated Professor Benjamin Aribisala for his outstanding works and wished the society success in its activities.

Everyone here at Edinburgh Imaging is very proud of Ben's achievement, and wish him well with his post as Professor of Computer Science at Lagos State University, Nigeria. We also look forward to continuing collaborative projects through online distance working.

Congratulation's Ben!

Associations between level and change in physical function and brain volumes.

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