For industry & commercial collaborators

We specialize in optimising trials involving imaging, image analysis & processing, managing image throughput, distribution & reporting, & can help train employees.

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Edinburgh Imaging connects...

Edinburgh Imaging integrates …


Edinburgh Imaging delivers …
  • Highly specialised & high volume imaging outputs
  • Novel imaging research processes & products
  • Imaging trial data


How do we work with industry?

  • We can engage collaboratively, including providing consultancy advice for all imaging-related activities, or simply as a service-based facility.  
  • We support imaging trial activity at any stage & at any volume, including:
    • Project inception & design (including image analysis pipelines)
    • Site set up & qualification
    • Collection & presentation of data outputs
  • Edinburgh Imaging activity is scalable: we can act as a:
    • Single site
    • Contributing site in a multi-centre network
    • Coordinating centre site of a multi-centre international imaging trial


Why use our world class imaging facilities & equipment?

  • Our facilities & equipment are strategically placed to co-locate research with clinical services.
  • University scanners operate in NHS hospitals, while NHS services are partly delivered from University buildings. This facilitates patient scanning alongside research trial recruitment.
  • Preclinical research imaging facilities are located next to the clinical research & diagnostic imaging facilities, encouraging multi-directional translation of research, & consistency across entire development pathways (from bench to bedside & back again).


Who are the experts & specialists you will engage with?

Getting the best out of imaging facilities & equipment requires people who know how best to use them.

Edinburgh Imaging experts & specialists collaborate with a wide variety of other users, to ensure that our cutting edge equipment & experienced staff are used efficiently. Edinburgh Imaging has over 100 imaging expert scientists covering a range of expertise & interest areas:

The current combination of equipment & expertise means Edinburgh Imaging is among the “best in class” on the global stage for managing and delivering collaborative and service driven commercial imaging research in the preclinical and clinical fields.


How do we move forward together?

Please contact us at:

Edinburgh Imaging

Enquiries: studies / collaborations / facilities

Contact details


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