25 Nov 20. Edinburgh Imaging Alliance

The Edinburgh Imaging Alliance is a geographic cluster of companies from both industry & academia, who share their technological skills & research expertise to stimulate new ideas.

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Edinburgh is home to world-leading medical imaging researchers who work in partnership with the NHS & the private sector.

Close cooperation between researchers, the NHS & the private sector helps accelerate medical discoveries & transform them into patient treatments.

Many imaging employers in Edinburgh have similar operational, technical & labour needs to those of Edinburgh Imaging.

Sharing stimulates new ideas & collaborations while avoiding costly duplication of effort.

With the above in mind, Edinburgh Imaging agreed in 2017, with imaging firms grouped geographically in & around Edinburgh, to establish the Edinburgh Imaging Alliance.

Since then two Alliance events have taken place to discuss career opportunities & enjoy networking with others who have an interest in imaging.


The Edinburgh Imaging Alliance is formed by the following firms:


The Alliance promotes excellent career opportunities in & around Edinburgh, so be sure to keep up to date with us for future opportunities!



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The Edinburgh Imaging Alliance is a geographic cluster of companies from both industry & academia, who share their technological skills & research expertise to stimulate new ideas. #medicalimaging #imageanalysis #machinelearning #careers @aridhia @Blackford @CanonMedicalEDI @EdinburghCRF @EPCCed @ESRIC_Imaging @HeriotWattUni @holoxica @NHS_Lothian @OptosUWF @OracleBio @EdinburghUni