18 Oct 18. PhD Expo Event

We are very excited that Edinburgh Imaging's PhD Expo event is happening today, 18 October commencing at 1.30pm.

PhD Expo 2018 programme

The Edinburgh Imaging Expo Committee were very pleased to receive a high number of abstracts  of exceptional quality for both the oral and visual presentation sections. 

The committee are delighted to confirm there will be 13 oral presentations and 11 scientific posters, delivered at the PhD Expo event.

There is a great variety of presentation topics this year, so audience members are in for a super event, hearing about the cutting-edge collaborative research others are involved in. The event is also an ideal networking opportunity to meet peers involved in imaging from science, medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering, or IT backgrounds.

We wish to thank our sponsors GSK, Canon Medical Research Europe Ltd, and Edinburgh Imaging for their continued support.


The Programme:

1.30pm – Registration

2pm  – Welcome

2.15pm  – Oral presentations

3.45pm  - Viewing of posters

4.10pm - Networking and refreshments

4.30pm – Judges announce winners

Further networking opportunity, followed by refreshments!


This event may be photographed and/or short videos recorded for promotional purposes for the Edinburgh Imaging members. If you would prefer not to be photographed or filmed please contact us at Imaging.Expo@ed.ac.uk