23 Jul 20. Dr Thrippleton at BBB Symposium

Dr Michael Thrippleton, Senior Research Fellow at Edinburgh Imaging, will be presenting his talk titled “Probing the blood-brain barrier with MRI”, at the 10th UK & Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Symposium. The symposium will take place between 22–24 November 2020, at the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh.

10th UK & Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium.


10th UK & Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier Symposium programme.



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Dr Michael Thrippleton, Senior Research Fellow at Edinburgh Imaging, will be presenting his talk titled “Probing the blood-brain barrier with MRI”, at the 10th UK & Ireland Early Career Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) Symposium, 22–24 November 2020. @ECR_BBB_Symp @EdinUniBrainSci #BloodBrainBarrier #BBB