Professor Edwin van Beek, SINAPSE Chair of Clinical Radiology, spoke with RSNA about thromboembolic complications in COVID-19. Prof Edwin van Beek described key findings from a recent publication of which he is co-author: Diagnosis, prevention, & treatment of thromboembolic complications in COVID-19: report of the National Institute for Public Health of the Netherlands. Worldwide, COVID-19 is being treated as a primary pulmonary disease. From the analysis of all available current medical, laboratory & imaging data on COVID-19, it became clear that symptoms & diagnostic tests could not be explained by impaired pulmonary ventilation alone. Imaging & pathological investigations confirmed the COVID-19 syndrome is a thrombo-inflammatory process that initially affects lung perfusion, but consecutively affects all organs of the body. This highly thrombotic syndrome leads to macro-thrombosis & embolism. Therefore, strict thrombosis prophylaxis, close laboratory & appropriate imaging monitoring with early anti-coagulant therapy in case of suspected venous thromboembolism are indicated. COVID-19 is more than a lung infection, it affects the vasculature of the lungs & other organs & has a high thrombosis risk with acute life-threatening events that require adequate treatment with anticoagulants based on laboratory monitoring with appropriate imaging tests as required. Prof Edwin van BeekSINAPSE Chair of Clinical Radiology Image Professor Edwin van Beek, SINAPSE Chair of Clinical Radiology To read the full RSNA press release, please click here. Related links SINAPSE Professor Edwin van Beek RSNA Press release 23 Apr 20. Featured Paper Publication date 28 Apr, 2020