26 Oct 20. ESO-WSO virtual conference

Edinburgh Imaging members will be presenting at the upcoming ESO-WSO virtual conference.

Date & time: 7th – 9th November 2020
Venue: Virtual
Registration: Click here for further information


At this year's ESO-WSO virtual conference, various Edinburgh Imaging members will present data from studies such as: 

Below we list presenting EI members & their topic titles:


Dr Ellen Backhouse

on behalf of the R4VaD study team

  • “Rates, risks & routes to reduce vascular dementia (R4VaD)”
Dr Gordon Blair Talk
  • “Cerebrovascular reactivity in sporadic & monogenetic (cadasil) small vessel diseases. The investigate@svds multi-centre study.”
Dr Una Clancy Posters
  • “Symptoms associated with recurrent DWI lesions in patients with mild stroke” (data from Mild Stroke Study 3)
  • “Increase in white matter hyperintensity volume over time is associated with worsening neuropsychiatric symptom burden in a cognitively impaired population” (data from the Leducq collaboration with Sunnybrook Dementia Research Institute, Toronto)
  • “Neuropsychiatric & subjective cognitive symptom associations with radiological evidence of cerebral small vessel disease: systematic review & meta-analysis”
Dr Fergus Doubal Talk
  • “End of Life care after stroke - dealing with sudden death & advanced planning”
Olivia Hamilton Poster
  • “Cognitive impairments in sporadic cerebral small vessel disease: a systematic review & meta-analysis of cohorts with cerebrovascular, cognitive & non-clinical presentations of SVD”
Dr Grant Mair Talk
  • “Large-scale clinically representative evaluation of e-aspects & e-cta software, the rites study (real-world independent testing of e-aspects software)”

Cameron Manning Poster
  • “Slow contrast injection improves measurement of subtle blood-brain barrier leakage in cerebral small vessel disease”
Alasdair Morgan Poster
  • "Increased arterial stiffness is related to cerebrospinal fluid flow at the spinal cord: an examination of 90 mild stroke patients"
Dr Michael Stringer Talk
  • “Imaging neurovascular, endothelial & structural integrity in preparation to treat small vessel diseases (investigate@svds): multicentre study of blood brain barrier integrity & cerebrovascular reactivity associations”



Social media tags & titles

Edinburgh Imaging members will be presenting at the upcoming ESO-WSO virtual conference. @ESOstroke @WorldStrokeOrg @EdinUniBrainSci @fergusdoubal @SymptomsOfSVD @OK_Hamilton @ellen_backhouse @BleedingStroke @edinburghstroke #ESOWSO2020 #stroke