Edinburgh Imaging members will be presenting at the upcoming ESO-WSO virtual conference. Date & time: 7th – 9th November 2020 Venue: Virtual Registration: Click here for further information At this year's ESO-WSO virtual conference, various Edinburgh Imaging members will present data from studies such as: INVESTIGATE@SVDs Mild Stroke Study 3 R4VaD Below we list presenting EI members & their topic titles: Dr Ellen Backhouse on behalf of the R4VaD study team Poster “Rates, risks & routes to reduce vascular dementia (R4VaD)” Dr Gordon Blair Talk “Cerebrovascular reactivity in sporadic & monogenetic (cadasil) small vessel diseases. The investigate@svds multi-centre study.” Dr Una Clancy Posters “Symptoms associated with recurrent DWI lesions in patients with mild stroke” (data from Mild Stroke Study 3) “Increase in white matter hyperintensity volume over time is associated with worsening neuropsychiatric symptom burden in a cognitively impaired population” (data from the Leducq collaboration with Sunnybrook Dementia Research Institute, Toronto) “Neuropsychiatric & subjective cognitive symptom associations with radiological evidence of cerebral small vessel disease: systematic review & meta-analysis” Dr Fergus Doubal Talk “End of Life care after stroke - dealing with sudden death & advanced planning” Olivia Hamilton Poster “Cognitive impairments in sporadic cerebral small vessel disease: a systematic review & meta-analysis of cohorts with cerebrovascular, cognitive & non-clinical presentations of SVD” Dr Grant Mair Talk “Large-scale clinically representative evaluation of e-aspects & e-cta software, the rites study (real-world independent testing of e-aspects software)” Cameron Manning Poster “Slow contrast injection improves measurement of subtle blood-brain barrier leakage in cerebral small vessel disease” Alasdair Morgan Poster "Increased arterial stiffness is related to cerebrospinal fluid flow at the spinal cord: an examination of 90 mild stroke patients" Dr Michael Stringer Talk “Imaging neurovascular, endothelial & structural integrity in preparation to treat small vessel diseases (investigate@svds): multicentre study of blood brain barrier integrity & cerebrovascular reactivity associations” Related links ESO-WSO virtual conference ESO-WSO virtual conference registration Dr Ellen Backhouse Dr Gordon Blair Dr Una Clancy Dr Fergus Doubal Olivia Hamilton Dr Grant Mair Cameron Manning Dr Michael Stringer Brain & nervous system Stroke Small vessel disease (SVD) Dementia INVESTIGATE@SVDs R4VaD Mild Stroke Study 3 Social media tags & titles Edinburgh Imaging members will be presenting at the upcoming ESO-WSO virtual conference. @ESOstroke @WorldStrokeOrg @EdinUniBrainSci @fergusdoubal @SymptomsOfSVD @OK_Hamilton @ellen_backhouse @BleedingStroke @edinburghstroke #ESOWSO2020 #stroke Publication date 22 Oct, 2020