25 Jun 21. Total-body PET 2021/2022 part 1

Part 1 of the Total-body PET conference will be taking place virtually in September 2021 & will feature a presentation from Edinburgh Imaging's Dr Adriana Tavares.

Date & time:

22 - 24 Sep 21



Registration: Click here for further information


Please find below abstract & registration information for part 1 of the Total-body PET conference 2021/2022:


Abstract re-opens: 10 May 21
Conference registration opens: 21 Jun 21
New abstract submission closes: 25 Jun 21
Notification of abstract outcomes: 23 Jul 21
Conference registration closes: 31 Aug 21
Total-body PET 2021/2022 part 1: 22 - 24 Sep 21



Social media tags & titles

Part 1 of the Total-body PET conference will be taking place virtually in September 2021 & will feature a presentation from Edinburgh Imaging's Dr Adriana Tavares.

@body_pet @EdinUniCVS #TBPET2021