Come along to Edinburgh Imaging's PhD Expo Event on 25 October 2017. Edinburgh Imaging aims to break down barriers within science, engineering & clinical environments - to allow researchers to work collaboratively with the joint purpose to advance health through excellence in imaging science. Why not come along to our PhD Expo event and either be part of the audience; give a presentation or design a poster. Whatever you chose to do, this exclusive event for Edinburgh and Heriot Watt students is the ideal way to meet others involved in imaging from science, medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering, or IT . It's also a great way to practice your presenting skills in a friendly environment, or to at least hear about the cutting-edge collaborative research others are involved in, either at Heriot Watt or the University of Edinburgh. Whilst tickets are free, please do apply, via Eventbrite for catering purposes. For those who wish to do either a presentation or a poster, please ensure you complete the abstract form (below) and send it in by email before midnight on 2 October 2017 to . Document PhD Expo - Abstract (15.67 KB / DOCX) Image Our fantastic prizes: £200 for best clinical talk £200 for best preclinical talk £50 for best poster presentation €500 of Abberior fluorescence ligands £20 voucher for best question from audience The programme: Registration at 1.30pm Presentations 2pm - 3.30pm Viewing posters, networking and refreshments Results of prize winners at 4.15pm Further networking opportunity! PhD Expo - reserve your ticket Eventbrite link Abstract Form link Publication date 25 Sep, 2017