The submission deadline for the 2024 Technician Image Competition has been extended until August 2nd at 5pm. The Technician Steering Committee is holding a competition asking technical staff to submit an image conveying what it is that makes us technicians. Images might focus on the bigger picture, capturing some of the incredible laboratory and workshop facilities that exist across the University and how technical staff support them or deliver services through them. Or maybe they will focus on an object, an activity or a person. Whether you work in support of teaching, research or infrastructure and whatever sort of work you might do on whichever of the University’s campuses we want to see your interpretation of what makes us technicians. You can find out more at the following webpage: Technician Image Competition We are a very diverse community from a huge variety of backgrounds and with a vast array of technical skills, knowledge, experience and talent. We want to showcase this. A first prize of £150 will be awarded to the best image, with two 2nd prizes of £100 and three 3rd prizes of £50. Winners will be announced during Technician Week, 2-6 September and on their Twitter account @UoETechnicians Relevant links Technician Week Social media tags and titles The submission deadline for the 2024 Technician Image Competition has been extended until August 2nd at 5pm. @EdinUniImaging @UoETechnicians Publication date 23 Jul, 2024