Acknowledging Edinburgh Imaging

Please acknowledge Edinburgh Imaging in all publications, images & presentations.


Where Edinburgh Imaging researchers collaborate externally, please state their affiliation.

Naming Edinburgh Imaging & identifying authors correctly, helps raise Edinburgh Imaging's profile.


Statements of acknowledgement




"The work was carried out on a XXXX scanner within the Edinburgh Imaging Facility (insert WGH or RIE or QMRI or PRECLINICAL or EASTER BUSH), University of Edinburgh."


Scanner, EIF RIE (BRIC):

  • MR


"The University’s 3T research scanner is funded by the Wellcome Trust (104916/Z/14/Z), Dunhill Trust (R380R/1114), Edinburgh & Lothians Health Foundation (2012/17), Muir Maxwell Research Fund & the University of Edinburgh."

Scanner, EIF QMRI (CRIC):

  • PET-CT
"The University’s 128 slice PET-CT research scanner is funded by the Wellcome Trust, NHS Lothian and the University of Edinburgh."

Scanner, EIF QMRI (CRIC):

  • MR
“The University’s 3T MR research scanner is funded by the British Heart Foundation (SP07/004; IG/17/3/33201) and Medical Research Council Programme Grant (G0701127).”

Scanner, EIF QMRI (CRIC):

  • PET-MR
“The University’s 3T PET-MR research scanner is funded by the Medical Research Council Dementia Platform UK (MR/M024717/1).”




"The imaging research project (insert CRF & any grant reference numbers) was carried out at the Edinburgh Imaging Facility (insert WGH or RIE or QMRI or PRECLINICAL or EASTER BUSH) (, University of Edinburgh, part of the SINAPSE collaboration ( Support from NHS Lothian R&D & the Edinburgh CRF & YYYY funds are gratefully acknowledged."




"The imaging research project (insert CRF & any grant reference numbers) was carried out at the Edinburgh Imaging Facility (insert WGH or RIE or QMRI or PRECLINICAL or EASTER BUSH) (, University of Edinburgh, which is part of the SINAPSE collaboration (, funded by the Scottish Funding Council & the Chief Scientist Office. Support from NHS Lothian R&D & the Edinburgh CRF; YYYY funds are gratefully acknowledged."




We would be grateful if you could insert our logo within your presentation, downloadable here:

Edinburgh Imaging logo large (99.26 KB / PPTX)


Affiliated authors


Some staff members have honorary status in other Departments or Centres. The following example format may be most suitable for recognizing Edinburgh Imaging affiliated staff:



JM Wardlaw1,2,3, A Farrall2,3, T MacGillivary2,3,4, et al.

  1. SINAPSE Collaboration (
  2. Edinburgh Imaging (, University of Edinburgh
  3. Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences (, University of Edinburgh
  4. Vampire Project, University of Dundee.



If SINAPSE is mentioned in a grant application, please:

  • include the SINAPSE web address (
  • check with the SINAPSE office that the mention be correct, well before you submit the grant


NHS financial support

If NHS financial support has been given, please ensure the following text be used:

  • "(insert Research team or organisation) acknowledges the financial support of NHS Research Scotland (NRS), through (insert name of Network/Board here e.g. the Scottish Stroke Research Network or NHS Lothian)."


Use of images

To use images produced within Edinburgh Imaging, please contact us:

Edinburgh Imaging

Enquiries: studies / collaborations / facilities

Contact details



If you are in any doubt as to what acknowledgement text you should be using, please contact us:

Edinburgh Imaging

Enquiries: studies / collaborations / facilities

Contact details