The LACunar Intervention Trial-2 (LACI-2) has successfully completed recruitment at the Edinburgh Imaging Facilities & nationwide. Image The LACunar Intervention Trial-2 (LACI-2) study aims to assess safety & efficacy of inexpensive & widely accessible medication - cilostazol & isosorbide mononitrate to prevent recurrent lacunar stroke & progression of cerebral small vessel disease. The British Heart Foundation funded study which is being led by Professor Joanna Wardlaw, resumed recruitment back in July 2020 after a pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since recruitment resumed, a further 63 participants were recruited for the study, 25 of which were recruited & scanned at the Edinburgh Imaging Facilities. The scanning facility (Eleni Sakka & the SMARTIS team) have received & collated 324 baseline scans & 215 follow up scans to date. The trial now has one year of follow up left to complete which is estimated to be finished at the end of May 2022. The study is due to complete all activity at the end of August 2022 & will aim to publish the results after that point. Relevant links Edinburgh Imaging Facilities British Heart Foundation Professor Joanna Wardlaw Eleni Sakka LACunar Intervention Trial-2 (LACI-2) SMARTIS Brain & nervous system Small vessel disease (SVD) Stroke 04 Dec 20. LACI-2 study resumed 21 Apr 20. Featured Paper. Protocol: The Lacunar Intervention Trial 2 (LACI-2). A trial of two repurposed licenced drugs to prevent progression of cerebral small vessel disease. 24 Apr 19. New Stroke Drug 23 May 18. New trial for stroke - LACI-2 Social media tags & titles The LACunar Intervention Trial-2 (LACI-2) has successfully completed recruitment at the Edinburgh Imaging Facilities & nationwide. @EdinUniBrainSci @SVDResearch @BHFScotland @TheBHF This article was published on 2024-08-22