Visiting neurologist Yu-Yuan Xu has finished her collaboration based at Edinburgh University within Professor Joanna Wardlaw's group. Image Dr Yu-Yuan Xu Dr Yu-Yuan, a neurologist based at Beijing Tiantan Hospital, has completed her visit to work with Professor Joanna Wardlaw as part of The Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the Brain.Yu-Yuan arrived in Edinburgh on 4 November 2022 to complete an 18-month work placement that was funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC). She was keen to come and join the Row Fogo Centre due to the work Professor Wardlaw does around cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD). In Yu-Yuan's words, "I came here because of Professor Wardlaw. I went to her lectures when she was invited to a conference held by my home hospital. She is the top female researcher in SVD area, and I was very interested about working in her team".Yu-Yuan has been integral to the research over the last few months and is part of the Galen and Hilary Weston Foundation project that has received further funding for another 3 years. She has also been involved in the following publications:The identification of an image marker for cerebral small vessel disease: Haemosiderin Deposits Sign on Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging in Recent Small Subcortical Infarcts.Investigating the correlation between visual scores (Fazekas score) and white matter hyperintensities (WMH) volume across various studies (MSS2, MSS3, INVESTIGATE, and LBC).Regarding her future aspirations, Yu-Yuan aims to establish a long-term collaboration with Joanna's team and explore deeper comparing WMH measurements between the UK and China.Good wishes Yu-Yuan! We will miss you and hope to see you soon. Keywords:cerebral small vessel diseaseHaemosiderinFazekas scorewhite matter hyperintensitiesRelevant linksBeijing TiantanThe Row Fogo Centre for Research into Ageing and the BrainChinese Scholarship CouncilGalen and Hilary Weston FoundationSocial media tags and titlesVisiting neurologist Yu-Yuan Xu has finished her collaboration based at Edinburgh University within Professor Joanna Wardlaw's group.@EdinUniImaging @SVDResearch Publication date 30 Apr, 2024