11 Jul 19. A farewell to BRIC at the WGH

On the 5th of July 2019, we said farewell to the Brain Research Imaging Centre at the Western General Hospital.

BRIC tea party 1
Prof Andrew Farrall, Ms Donna McIntyre, Prof Joanna Wardlaw, & Mr Sean Denham at the BRIC farewell event, standing beside the plaque commemorating the SHEFC Brain Imaging Research Centre for Scotland, opened by Ms Susan Deacon M.S.P., on Friday 12 May 2000.
The Brain Research Imaging Centre (BRIC)

The Brain Research Imaging Centre grew from a small academic group, working with one MR scanner in 1998, to one of the largest academic radiology groups in Europe, performing world renowned research along side our other Edinburgh Imaging Facilities.

In February 2019, we celebrated BRIC’s 21 years of neuroimaging research in brain health & common brain diseases.

We outline the history of BRIC after this link.

In July 2019, BRIC ceased to operate. The department and staff relocated to the Edinburgh BioQuarter, where two Edinburgh Imaging facilities reside – Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI & Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE.


A farewell to BRIC

On the 5th of July 2019, Professor Joanna Wardlaw hosted a ‘Farewell to BRIC Tea Party,’ attended by past & present radiologists, radiographers, consultants, researchers & support staff.

It was exciting to catch up with colleagues who have moved on to other endeavours & locations, which only served to emphasize the impact BRIC has had on local & international research, networks & careers.


It was lovely to see so many people who have been involved in making the Research scanning facility at DCN WGH (BRIC) such a success over the last 20 years. Since opening in 1998, the Brain Research Imaging Centre has changed clinical care guidelines worldwide, launched many careers, produced >20 professors, contributed about 10% of the data to worldwide consortia genetic analyses, brought cerebral small vessel disease to the forefront of research into stroke and dementia, created the SINAPSE Collaboration and made Edinburgh Imaging’s modern facilities possible.

Professor Joanna Wardlaw
Chair of Applied Neuroimaging


BRIC tea party
Dr Duncan Martin, Prof Andrew Farrall, Ms Donna McIntyre, Mr Sean Denham, Ms Annette Cooper, Mrs Moira Henderson & Prof Joanna Wardlaw at the BRIC farewell event, standing beside the plaque commemorating the SHEFC Brain Imaging Research Centre for Scotland, opened by Ms Susan Deacon M.S.P., on Friday 12 May 2000.













Read Professor Ian Marshall's article in SCOPE on "The end of an era and new beginnings for BRIC"

...The facility is now part of Edinburgh Imaging, a consortium that hosts multiple scanners for research imaging studies and has more than 100 affiliated staff. This represents a fantastic resource for the future, and it all began with BRIC.

Professor Ian Marshall
Chair of Magnetic Resonance Physics