11 Apr 17. Profile - Dr Emilio Quaia

Dr Emilio Quaia joined the Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI team as a Senior Research Fellow & is an Honorary Consultant in Radiology at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

Graduate of the University of Udine, Italy

In 1995, Emilio received his medical degree from University of Udine (Italy) with an MD thesis on pharmacology. 

In 1999, Emilio completed radiology training at University of Trieste (Italy). Afterwards, he worked in Hammersmith Hospital in London for one year under the leadership of Prof David Cosgrove & Prof Martin JK Blomley, in the field of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (US).

In 2000, Emilio became assistant professor in radiology at University of Trieste.

In 2005, Emilio took the position of research associate in molecular imaging for oncology at MSKCC in New York, USA.

In 2014, Emilio returned to Trieste where he was appointed associate professor in radiology, a position he held up to October 2016.

Scientific interest

Emilio's areas of expertise relate to body imaging (abdominal & chest imaging) & in particular ultrasound & contrast-enhanced ultrasound, CT & MR imaging.

Emilio's principal research interests are multimodal imaging of the liver, bowel, kidney, & pulmonary diseases.

Emilio's secondary field of scientific interest is preclinical multimodality imaging (micro-PET & micro-MR).

Next chapter

In 2016, Edinburgh Imaging was delighted to welcome Emilio & his family to Edinburgh, as part of the Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI team.