25 Nov 19. Edinburgh Imaging Academy graduations

We were delighted to meet three of our graduating students, who attended today's graduation ceremony, in person.

Edinburgh Imaging Academy graduating students 2018-2019
Prof Andrew Farrall congratulates Daniela Felicio da Fonseca Ribeiro, Alison Zammit, & Aldo Vazquez Mezquita, who graduated with MSc degrees with distinction in the 2018-2019 graduating class.

The graduation ceremony was held in McEwan Hall & a reception followed at the Playfair Library.

These three students were amongst 14 in total who graduated in the 2018-2019 academic year from the Edinburgh Imaging Academy online degree programmes:

In 2018-2019, we educated 102 students enrolled across all our degree programmes. Additionally, we provided imaging courses for 83 students studying on affiliated degree programmes

We also provided 56 peoople with CPD / CME training opportunities in 2018-2019.

For all of our graduates today, congratulations & we look forward to finding out in the future, how our degree programmes have changed your careers!