16 Apr 21. BHF project grant

BHF grant awarded to Edinburgh Imaging researchers for predicting endoleaks following endovascular aneurysm repair.

3D reconstructed CT angiogram of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
3D reconstructed CT angiogram of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Project summary

Abdominal aortic aneurysms are a leading cause of death in the United Kingdom. Surveillance programmes & pre-emptive surgical repair are lifesaving. Traditional open surgical repair is associated with major perioperative morbidity & mortality & there has been a move towards minimally invasive Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR), which reduces these early risks. However, the cost effectiveness & long-term clinical effectiveness of EVAR is undermined by concerns of durability due to the development of endoleaks & late aneurysm rupture secondary to progression of native aortic aneurysm disease & stent graft failure.

In the SoFIA3 Study, carried out at EIF QMRI, we have previously demonstrated that 18F-sodium fluoride positron emission tomography can predict progression of aneurysm disease & is associated with greater rates of abdominal aortic aneurysm expansion & the future risk of rupture or need for surgical repair.

The current study will investigate whether 18F-sodium fluoride positron emission tomography

(i) can prospectively predict the likelihood of developing endoleaks in patients undergoing EVAR, &

(ii) is a feasible approach to select patients for EVAR with a reduced future risk of stent graft failure & re-intervention.

We believe that there is a compelling scientific rationale for this approach with major translational potential to better select subgroups of patients for EVAR & ultimately improve their outcome.


First steps

Patients will be recruited from a number of hospitals across Scotland & all scans will be carried out at the EIF QMRI. The first study patient was scanned at the beginning of April 2021. 

The study builds on data obtained from the SoFIA3 Study (Sodium Fluoride Imaging (18F-NaF PET-CT) in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms), which was carried out at the Edinburgh Imaging facility in 2014-2017. 


CTA, 18F-NaF PET & fused PET-CT of AAA demonstrating uptake of tracer in the anterior wall of the aneurysm.
CTA, 18F-NaF PET & fused PET-CT of AAA demonstrating uptake of tracer in the anterior wall of the aneurysm.
We asked Dr Rachael Forsythe, study PI, her thoughts on receiving the project grant.

"I am delighted that the British Heart Foundation has funded this exciting project.

The study builds on a decade of innovative work carried out at the Edinburgh Imaging facilities, exploring the use of molecular & cellular imaging techniques to evaluate abdominal aortic aneurysm disease progression.

As PI, I’m excited to be taking this study forward under the mentorship of Professor Newby."




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BHF grant awarded to Edinburgh Imaging researchers for predicting endoleaks following endovascular aneurysm repair.

@EdinUniCVS @TheBHF @BHFScotland @ROForsythe