Collaborative studentships

In the experience of Edinburgh Imaging, the most successful method for research commercialisation has proven to be through student projects (PhD, MSc) in collaboration with commercial partners.

Collaborative studentships provide all parties with some tangible outputs:

  • Publications
  • Patents
  • Commercial work experience
  • Development of future staff

Edinburgh Imaging can progress academic & commercial projects quickly: we focus on small, dedicated work groups with the student at the core, who are supported by co-supervisors from both academia & industry.


Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT)

The best example of collaborative studentships at Edinburgh Imaging is the SPIRIT initiative with the following successes:

  • 19 collaborative student PhD projects successfully set up, with an industrial partner involved in each project
  • A patent & several publications
  • Phantoms in development with commercialisation potential
  • Multi-centre human & experimental studies in preparation
  • Grants in preparation or submitted