10 Oct 18. ERS audit & research evening 2018

On Tuesday 9th October, NHS Lothian based radiology trainees presented their research & audit at the annual Edinburgh Radiological Society meeting.

ERS audit winner
Dylan Yong (L) receives the 2018 Tom Philps prize from Dr Su Reddy (R).
What is the ERS?
  • The Edinburgh Radiological Society (ERS) is run by & for radiologists in & around Edinburgh 
  • The ERS meets several times each year for educational & research sessions, as well as for social events
  • The Society supports audit & research by local radiology trainees
  • The Society's audit & research evening is scheduled annually in the autumn


Tom Philps prize
  • Dylan Yong won this year's Tom Philps prize for the best audit & research presentation
  • Dylan's presentation was entitled "Percutaneous abscess drainage in inflammatory bowel disease: an eight year experience"
  • The judges were impressed with Dylan's research & presentation quality, as well as with the potential future clinical improvement based on his work