02 Jul 24. Featured resource

Normal reference T1-weighted MR images for the brain at ages 65-70 and 75-80 years

Link to resource in Edinburgh Datashare


Data Creators

Armitage, Paul, Chappell, Francesca, MacLullich, Alasdair, Shenkin, Susan, Wardlaw, Joanna M.


As part of an early effort to provide reference images of healthy ageing in older subjects, two T1-weighted MR imaging templates were created as described by Farrell et al. in a previous publication [1]. Briefly, brain T1-weighted MRI from 79 community-dwelling older individuals, previously grouped in two age intervals, were aligned using affine registration. The images were considered representative of the normal human brain at ages 65-70 and 75-80 years. The individuals providing the data were considered normal as determined by a medical and psychiatric records as well as medical and cognitive assessment. The templates were tested by two neuroradiologists during routine interpretation of MR and CT brain images. Here, we provide the template files in nifti-1 format, to be used in further research.



Armitage, Paul; Chappell, Francesca; MacLullich, Alasdair; Shenkin, Susan; Wardlaw, Joanna M.. (2024). Normal reference T1-weighted MR images for the brain at ages 65-70 and 75-80 years, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. Brain Research Imaging Centre. Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences. https://doi.org/10.7488/ds/7763.



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Featured resource: Normal reference T1-weighted MR images for the brain at ages 65-70 and 75-80 years
